Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Gratitude: Learning to Find the MESSAGE in the MESS

       Last week, we focused on "growth and gratitude" for our quote of the week. I found this great quote by motivational speaker and best-selling author,  Steve Maraboli.  When the time came for my students to write about this quote, some of them really struggled with what it meant to "find the message in the mess."   As I wrestled to find the words to explain the question and give them context, I shared a time in my life when things got a little messy. 

       It was spring of 2019. Track season was in full swing-I was coaching and officiating track meets. My girls were heavily involved with their own activities--club volleyball, ballet, etc. We also had on-campus physicals coming up for our athletes and feeder elementary schools, which was a big deal, considering all of the organization and coordination it takes to make this day run smoothly.. AND to top it off, my husband was working out of town a lot during this time, so I was juggling all the things.   Life was BUSY!!  


       The  day before physicals, my Great Dane Violet began showing some weird symptoms. I called the vet to get her an appointment first thing in the morning and had made arrangements with my principal to be a little late to school. I had awakened in the middle of the night to check on her, and Violet wasn't moving. In fact she was struggling to breathe. I was beside myself with grief. It was about 3:45am, and all I could think to do was to call my husband David, who was 2 hours away to tell him that Violet was dying. He immediately hung up the phone and drove in the wee hours of the morning to help me. 

    Tears streamed down my face as I sat with sweet Violet, waiting for my husband to come, petting her head as she took her last breath (less than 24 hours after showing her first symptoms). I was in total shock. I could not imagine what would have caused such a swift and painful death in this otherwise healthy dog!  When David finally arrived, I was a  complete blubbering mess, as you can imagine. He hugged me, then, followed in by our sweet neighbor, proceeded to take care of getting her 125-pound body out of the house and to the vet's office so she could be "taken care of."

     It was about 6am by this time, so I had to finally wake my girls  and tell them about Violet. After all of us had a good cry, we still had to get ready for school. We still had physicals happening, and we still had to get through a very tough day.  


As I told my students about this tragedy, I realized that my "message in the mess" is that I have a husband--a person in my life-- who is willing to do anything for me--even drive 2 hours in the early hours of the morning-- to help me when I need him. I am so very grateful for his dedication to our family, and the love he shows me every day.  He truly is my treasure!

      After telling my story.  I asked my students to go back and answer their question of the day. I included some responses from my 6th and 7th graders below. I hope you enjoy: 

How does being grateful help you see

the "Message in the mess?"

"It helps me by like knowing no matter how bad things get there will always be positive things to realize and that you have." Mya M. 6th Grader

"No matter how hard it is right now, think about how the result would make you feel. Try your best to overcome all the hard/bad stuff. :) Being grateful helps you be happy and thankful." Valeria M, 6th Grader

"Well first of all, messages don't always have to be, "See the beauty in the pain," or Live life to the fullest." It can be figuring out more about yourself as a person. When I admitted to myself that I am grateful for the people and situations that put me through what I didn't deserve, I found a version of myself I didn't know existed. I found stability in the storm. I found myself. All because I was grateful." Becca B., 7th Grader

 "It means that when you are grateful that whenever life throws something at you you can always find a way to surpass it."  Amyrian R. 7th Grader 

"The 'message' helps you think of the good things that are happening at the bad times, even if you are not thinking about the good things at the moment." Aubree H. 7th Grader

"It means that when you are grateful, life can knock you down, [but] you can find the better in the bad situations." Iyana M. 7th Grader

 As Thanksgiving approaches, I ask you.... What is YOUR message in the mess? What are the things you are most grateful for? I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving break, and remember to always count your blessings! 


 To learn more about Steve Maraboli, visit his website: https://stevemaraboli.net/aboutsteve/

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