Friday, August 14, 2020

What?!? No Classroom?!?

In my district, one of our feeder middle schools was closed down and turned into a STEM school. This meant that our middle school would receive about a third of those students. Our school is now bursting at the seam--our enrollment grew by about a 150 students. Our administration reorganized the class map, which meant that most of our teachers had to move classrooms. Not a big deal. Except. Now I don't HAVE a classroom. EEK!!! My principal informed me that, despite his best efforts, has not been able to secure a portable building to house my classroom in, so I would have to float classrooms. NOT a good situation. WELL.... After looking at my teaching schedule, an idea popped into my head.... "What if I could teach in the cafeteria?" My principal said "Yes! I think that could work!" and that is how I became a CLASSeteria teacher! 

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Showing Gratitude to our Teachers!

                   My students continue amaze me. Our big project for AVID this semester was to create a video to express our thanks to all ...